office massage
Health and Wellness

In Office Massage to Boost Morale & Improve Mental Health

The benefits of in office massage go far for both employees and employers. More than a vanity perk for employees, there is evidence pointing to how an office massage chair can improve corporate wellness and promote a healthy office culture. Read on, and let’s explore how in office massage can boost morale and improve mental health in the workplace!

Effects of Stress in the Workplace

Before we dive into the benefits of an office massage chair for employees, it’s important to understand exactly how much stress and tension causes a decrease in workplace morale and the mental health of employees. Happy employees have been shown to be more productive, leading to a better workplace environment and improving corporate performance overall. With so many potential benefits, bringing the options for in office massage becomes a no-brainer!

Offering employees a break to relax and recharge during a stressful workday has far-reaching effects. A survey about work-related stress by Everest College found that 83% of Americans are stressed at work, while the American Institute of Stress presents statistics showing stress causes around one million workers to miss work every day. That’s a huge number of people, affecting company productivity and the overall bottom line.

The same organization has also put forth that an estimated 43% of job turnover is due to work-related stress. This means an in office massage chair for relaxing and stress relief during the day could go a long way to boost morale and improve mental health for employees in the company all while making it a better place to work overall.

Benefits of In Office Massage in the Workplace

The benefits of an in office massage are the same as a massage you may experience at a spa, but go a step further to potentially boost productivity and improve the office culture. Happy employees make for a better work environment and corporate performance, so it’s definitely worth considering how an office massage chair makes for a great investment for any business.

Some of the notable benefits of providing in office massage with an office massage chair are:

  • Boosting workplace mental health and morale
  • Improving physical health and wellness for employees
  • Reducing work-related stress
  • Increasing productivity at work
  • Providing a cost-efficient workplace perk for employees

Boosting Workplace Mental Health and Morale

First and foremost, let’s discuss how in office massage can improve mental health and boost morale of employees. There are so many ways a massage can improve mental health. Unfortunately, busy schedules may make it difficult for employees to have time to make regular massage therapy appointments (not to mention the mounting costs of them). The availability of an office massage chair gives them the opportunity to make self-care a part of their regular routine.

Some of the most prevalent potential mental health benefits of massage in the office include how it might:

  • Improve mental clarity
  • Help fight depression and anxiety
  • Boost energy levels
  • Improve sleep quality in the evenings

Massage may also help improve office morale by elevating mood through the release of endorphins. An office full of happy employees? Sounds like a great place to work!

Improving Physical Health and Wellness

It’s impossible to completely separate the benefits of in office massage for mental and physical health. Inevitably, one affects the other. Better mental health and morale spark less tension, leading to improved physical well-being and even a healthier immune system! Having an office massage chair for employee use may reduce the amount of callouts from sickness or other ailments like back pain. Fewer callouts mean a less stressful work environment for everyone all around, bringing it right back around to better mental health, too.

Reducing Work-Related Stress

One of the biggest ways in office massage boosts morale and improves mental health is by reducing or recovering from work-related stress. Employees may be worried about balancing their work schedule, adjusting family schedules to meet their needs, or even have some social anxiety about being around so many more people in the office (especially after having adjusted to working from home during recent years).

Having an office massage chair available gives employees the opportunity to find stress relief while still at work, making the environment better all around. A low-stress work environment is more likely to boost productivity, improving work performance and company output as a whole.

Massage chair features like heat therapy and the options for a wide variety of different types of massage techniques enhance the experience, as well, helping with recovering from work-related stress and its effects on mental health.

Increasing Productivity at Work

When it comes to office massage options, it’s simple math: reduced stress and pain plus better morale equals more productive workers! Studies have shown that both blood pressure and cortisol levels (the “stress hormone”) were significantly reduced after just 10-15 minutes of chair massage. When employees are less stressed, they’re more likely to be able to focus on their tasks, don’t mind coming to work, and show increased productivity across the board.

Providing a Cost-Efficient Workplace Perk

Last, but not least, on our list of ways an office massage chair can boost morale and improve mental health is that it provides a cost-efficient workplace perk for employees. Regular use of a luxury massage chair means it pays for itself quickly.

The fixed cost of having an in office massage chair also cuts down on the operating expenses of keeping an in-house massage therapist on staff or providing employees with occasional massage gift certificates. Not only are overall costs reduced, but employees can experience the benefits of in office massage more frequently, making a luxury massage chair a great investment for the workplace.

As you can see, there are a plethora of ways in office massage can boost morale and improve mental health in the workplace. Impressive perks like this not only retain great talent, but also draw the best talent to your business in the first place. Such a simple solution to help alleviate workplace stress and promote wellness has a major impact on your company as a whole. Give it a try and see the difference an in office massage chair makes!

Wondering which massage chair to choose for your office? Check out the Ogawa Active L 3D Massage Chair to promote total body wellness.
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