The Difference Between Massage Chairs and Zero Gravity Recliners
Health and Wellness

The Difference Between Massage Chairs and Zero Gravity Recliners

Mar 23, 2021

When you’re living an active lifestyle or have a hectic schedule, it’s important to make time to take care of your body and mind. Weekly visits to a massage therapist aren’t always feasible with busy schedules so it becomes crucial to have a way to alleviate pain, manage stress, and heal your body at home.

Perhaps you’ve heard of massage chairs but don’t really know what they do. What about zero gravity chairs? Are they different? The simple answer is yes, they’re very different. To explore how, we’re taking a look at the difference between massage chairs and zero gravity recliners to show you why massage chairs stand out from the crowd.

Massage Chairs vs Zero Gravity Recliners

Massage chairs and zero gravity recliners each provide a multitude of health benefits but are otherwise very different experiences. To see how massage chairs provide a more thorough body experience let’s explore these differences between massage chairs and zero gravity recliners:

  • Types of massage techniques available in massage chairs
  • Reclining capabilities of massage chairs vs zero gravity recliners
  • Enhanced health benefits of massage chairs
  • Massage chairs bonus features vs zero gravity recliners

Types of Massage Techniques in Massage Chairs

Traditional zero gravity recliners can help with back pain and provide some other health benefits but many lack massage features that make massage chairs the superior choice. Massage chairs offer more thorough body self care and deeper relaxation than their regular zero gravity recliner counterparts.

High tech massage chairs take these massage benefits up another notch and offer more than just regular vibration massage. Instead, these chairs can become shiatsu massage chairs, swedish massage chairs, or any of many other available massage techniques at the simple touch of a button.

Reclining Capabilities of Massage Chairs vs Zero Gravity Recliners

When it comes to reclining capabilities, zero gravity recliners may appear to have an advantage over lower end massage chairs as they recline more fully into the zero gravity position. In the zero gravity position, your legs are elevated above the heart level and weight is evenly distributed along your body. This reduces the pressure on your lower back, a common cause of back pain and sciatic nerve problems. The zero gravity position is where the health benefits of regular zero gravity recliners stem from.

Massage chairs aren’t left behind here, though. High end massage chairs also provide the capability to recine all the way into the zero gravity position. These zero gravity massage chairs are the best of both worlds and can greatly enhance the superior health benefits of massage chairs over regular zero gravity recliners.

Enhanced Health Benefits of Massage Chairs

When you’re exploring the health benefits of massage chairs and regular zero gravity recliners you may notice some overlap. Luxury zero gravity massage chairs and regular zero gravity recliners without massage features both help alleviate back pain by reducing pressure on the spine and pelvic area. The zero gravity position also helps reduce blood pressure naturally and can offer improvements for sleep, digestion, and even lung function.

So are they evenly matched? No, not really.

The full body experience of high tech massage chairs enhances their health benefits beyond the reach of regular zero gravity recliners. The best massage chairs have 3D or 4D rollers that are able to mimic the work of real massage therapists and work your body more thoroughly. Additionally, they’re built with S-tracks or L-tracks that allow the massage rollers to move further down your spine and even to your glutes and hamstrings. This can be a critical asset for massage chair benefits for athletes or those with active lifestyles.

Massage chairs also win the race for health benefits against regular zero gravity recliners due to the nature of massage itself. Massage can greatly improve blood circulation over simply reclining to the zero gravity position alone. Massage is also directly tied to the release of endorphins, natural hormones that help alleviate pain and elevate your mood.

Bonus Massage Chair Features

The best massage chairs will also come with a full complement of bonus features that help them stand out above regular zero gravity recliners.

Heat therapy features create heated massage chair benefits for back pain, a common pain experienced by almost 80% of adults during their lifetime.  Heat keeps your body loose and can be useful for treating muscle strain at home. Applying heat further increases blood flow and facilitates faster healing. For athletes and those with active lifestyles, using heat therapy as part of a post-workout routine can also help prevent Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS).

High end massage chairs may also have other bonus features like feet rollers, knee and calf heat, stretch programs, and body scanning technology. Massage chairs with body scanning technology really propel them ahead of the rest by finding where your body needs the most attention and focusing massage efforts there. This is why using a massage chair is truly a whole-body experience versus a regular zero gravity recliner.

When it comes to the differences between massage chairs and zero gravity recliners without massage features, the choice is clear. The advanced capabilities of massage chairs put them far above the rest. Choose a massage chair with high tech options like an integrated control app, customizable massage features, heat therapy functions, and zero gravity reclining to keep your body at optimal performance every day. You’ll feel the difference and never look back!

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